Organizing Collaborative Learning: Using Conditional verbs.

Nowadays it is imperative for a teacher know how to implement in his classroom activities in order to develop a student-centered class, this means that all the processes and activities executed in the classroom must be with the aim of increase the competences and the cognitive process of the students. To achieve this goal, M.I.T. had invested in networked computers, new classrooms and more teachers to guide students in their learning process.

If we had the same equipment that the M.I.T has, we could have made more ingenious activities for our students. But, if a teacher wants to create and student-centered environment, he or her might do it. A teacher can use the spaces in the classroom to create cooperative work between the students, and if our school teachers had been more didactic and proactive instead of repeat over and over again the same lecture, we would have been better university students.

Debate response's correction

Last class we had a great experience in our debate groups. First with the debate related to the certificate teachers and the new educational law. In this debate, my group used several sources in order to demonstrate that is not necessary an education background for dictated classes in schools. Facts as the background of fathers of educations (because they didn’t have any). The opposite group demonstrates a good backlash quoting others specialist in the matter. It was a good debate, and we all had a high level of reflection the subject. What I like the most was the respect between the two groups.

In the second debate, there was a misunderstood in the side that the groups had to choose, but at the end it was both groups against the rest of the class. It was a good debate either, mostly because we are all involved in the theme that was debated. It was a debate with no much foundation as the first one. This one appealed to the common sense and our own point of view.

It was my first experience debating in class. I would prefer to counter arguing on the moment against the other group, as in a conversation and not just give ideas as in a presentation. The lack of confrontation made this activity had a weird rhythm, but it was ok. I’ll like to have more of this debate, because my speaking MS will improve, as my ability to link and set ideas with the aim of defend them.

debate response

Last class we had a great experience in our debate groups, first with the debate related to the certificate teachers and the new educational law; in this debate my group used several sources in order to demonstrate that is not necessary an education background for dictate classes in schools, facts as the background of fathers of educations (because they didn’t have any). The opposite group demonstrates a good backlash quoting others specialist in the matter, it was a good debate, and we all had a high level of reflection the subject. What I like the most was the respect between the two groups.

In the second debate, there was a misunderstood in the side that the groups had to choose, but at the end it was both groups against the rest of the class; it was a good debate either, mostly because we are all involved in the theme that was debated. It was a debate with no much foundation as the first one; this one appealed to the common sense and our own point of view.

It was my first experience debating in class; I would prefer to counter arguing on the moment against the other group, as in a conversation and not just give ideas as in a presentation. The lack of confrontation made this activity had a weird rhythm, but it was ok. I’ll like to have more of this debate, because my speaking will improve, as my ability to link and set ideas with the aim of defend them.

Education and spaces.

In the classroom the proper use of the spaces is fundamental to the labor of the teacher and cognitive and social process of the students. The traditional conception of a classroom is a teacher centered place where the student are paying attention to the teacher’s lecture, but, as we can see, this model is not the best of all kind of classroom and lectures. Next, some tips of how to use properly the spaces with a class.

Cooperative job and integration in the work area is so important as in an enterprise, as Malcolm Gladwell, who wrote about how spaces are fundamental in a work area said “to maximize the amount of contact among people, you really ought to put the most valuable staff members at the center of the room”(60). In this case, the most valuable staff members are the student, so they must be integrated with the environment, in this case, with the classroom. Use it as it should be, helping to the student to learn and associate the specific subjects with their own life, sharing with him and giving the opportunity to share ideas with his or her classmates. The class should not be just in a specific classroom, also can be in a lab, a library or in the schoolyard.

Exclude a student for his behavior or his academics results is a tradition that must be ended, because as Jane Jacobs wrote when she was comparing a city with a human body, “…they seldom aid in the city areas around them, as in theory are supposed to. These amputated areas typically develop galloping gangrene”(5-7). In others words, trying to separate and exclude student is the same as in societies where the people is afraid and confused, therefore, act violently. The school is the basement of the society and we can see on how the students build up their spaces and attitude on how the future societies will look like.

A (very) brief summary of 11 Techniques for Better Classroom Discipline

Thomas R. McDaniel wrote "A Primer on Classroom Discipline: Principles Old and New", from this text there are extract 11 tips for a better classroom discipline. First of all, as it is well known, a teacher must give direct instructions in order to have the control of the classroom and do not start a class if the students are talking, because they won’t pay attention to them and to the subject.
In the classroom, a teacher always must be monitoring in order to know what is happening in his or her classroom, in terms of order, behavior and if the students are learning the lecture.
To sum up, the teacher must be conscious that his role in the classroom it is conditioned by how he can deal properly the power that he have as a teacher, do not misunderstand the word power as a negative and despot character, instead try to be a positive role model and a fair leader.